About us

Sally and François (fully bilingual and bicultural guides) accompany you on a seamless journey through the heart of French life against a backdrop of sublime beauty.

Sally Green Bartolomei

Sally Green Bartolomei

Journalist, researcher and language teacher, Sally divides her time between France and her homeland New Zealand. Traveller and Francophile, she has gathered an insightful knowledge of French culture and a deep love of the old stones and hidden trails of the France as well as honed experience of its idiosyncracies and local specialities. Sally’s work for a national newspaper and researching for documentaries has led her on a diverse range of adventures to meet the people that shape both countries. In creating Le FRENZ Connection she and François are keen to share some of them with you.

François Bartolomei

François Bartolomei

The Antipodes are a long stretch from his home town of Nice, but 25 years ago François made the leap.. Brought up in light-infused Provence, he has manoeuvred an ambulance through dreamy landscapes in the French Alps and helped to craft some of its finest chalets. He alternates between guiding French travellers and film makers along New Zealand’s scenic roads, and sharing his homeland with visitors from Australia and New Zealand. François aims to provide travellers with extraordinary experiences along reassuringly friendly roads of France and New Zealand.