
On personal holiday highlights ?
  • “The whole trip. Outstanding!” Lois and Mike
  • “Cycle ride.” Russell
  • “Visiting and dining with a French family.” Rosemary
  • “Can’t distinguish. Enjoyed it all.” Lois and Leon
  • “The food experiences.” Pam
  • “I loved everything – each day had an aspect that was special. I feel I know so much more about the region, its history, geography and its people. Loved the opportunities to increase my confidence with French. Appreciated the encouragement to take risks with français.” Robyn
  • “Would not like to pick but in terms of being able to meet and interact with French people sharing a meal with Roland and Béatrice and especially Colette and Jean-Pierre was special.” Rob
  • “There were so many – hard to choose – loved meeting the people in their own environment. Chamonix was my favourite place.” Liz
  • “Enjoying the French food. Visiting the farming operations – vineyard visits.” Max
  • “Probably the night at Beau Site Talloires where we did our own thing – eat pizza and relaxed and swam. Second choice dinner at Jean-Pierre’s and Colette’s.” Graham
  • “I don’t have one highlight – the entire tour has been really great.” Sara
  • “Mont Blanc ride and being in the Alps – great sights.”Ken
  • “The magnificent scenery” Marion
On Accommodation
  • “All accommodation was very comfortable and well-appointed.” Sara
  • “All of a very high standard – a pool or lake for swimming is a bonus.” Graham
  • “Loved the variety.” Robyn
  • “The accommodation all had their own special features and all had good bathrooms and facilities.” Tony
  • “Overall very good and each place offered something different and special, eg Chalet le Grand Bornand” Ken
  • “Every place we stayed at was far above my expectations. Excellent choices.” Pam
  • “Annecy had the biggest room, the others were more charming and quaint. Like the choice of local and character places.” Lois
  • “All great.” Rosemary
On Favourite activities ?
  • “Difficult to choose but stand outs Day 3 Bike Bredannaz round lake and Menthon St Bernard and Day 6 with train, walk, wine area and tastings and meal. Day 4 walk to hamlet le Radaz! Special (Best kir! ) and Day 7 Plateau des Glières for walk, view and above all to learn of the history during the Second World War. Quelle tragédie.” Tony
  • “Mont Blanc – most dramatic” Lois
  • “Cable ride up l’Aiguille du Midi.” Russell
  • “Bile ride around Annecy lac. Final night dinner with Jean-Pierre and Colette” Graham
  • “Ride up Aiguille du Midi remarkable. Boat trip on Lake Annecy.” Ken
  • “Aiguille du Midi” Rosemary
  • “Every day was great. Loved every activity but especially – cycling, the climb up to Radaz (and café and cheese), the Plâteau des Glières, meeting ‘real’ French people and eating with them.” Robyn
  • “Hard to answer as all different, but I loved the leisurely day in the vineyards. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening with Jean-Pierre and Colette and found a walk around the Plateau des Glières enlightening. Morning cycle ride was lovely.” Leon
  • “Cycle ride – visit to Château Menthon St Bernard.” Pam
  • “Really enjoyed chatting with Jean-Pierre and Colette.” Marion
  • “The boat ride on Lake Annecy, picnic in the mountain, visiting the vineyards in Switzerland.” Liz
  • “I thoroughly enjoyed our cycle trip – it was relaxing and you passed alongside villages and homes giving another view.” Brian
  • “I enjoyed them all.” Max
  • “More than!” Mike
What did you like most about your tour guide ?
  • “Considerate and extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Nothing was ever a trouble.” Marion
  • “1/ client orientation – an exceptional example of aiming to meet client needs and wishes. 2/ very safe driving and in-depth knowledge of places and history. 3/ just a really nice person who will wear herself out if she continues on as present… We have been on many small group tours to Europe and South America. No tour guide in any of those trips has come near to your knowledge, kindness and client orientation.” Graham
  • “Wonderful knowledge of the areas – able to answer all the questions… most helpful in all respects.” Max
  • “Lovely personality. You made us feel that nothing as too much bother. It was great to have the French lessons. Hope it wasn’t too stressful for the locals trying to understand us.” Liz
  • “Friendly and knowledgeable and not overpowering.” Lois
  • “Friendly, adaptable and considerate.” Rosemary
  • “Personable; caring, personality, enthusiasm for the tours and activities and knowledge and willingness to go out of her way to make every activity a special experiences for us. Plus her being a NZer and we could share and compare – She was a great host and guide and professor!!”Tony
  • “Conscientious and individual concern and overall knowledge and willingness to share it.” Mike
  • “Great knowledge of area, willing to adapt to what we wanted to do.” Russell
  • “Enthusiasm for the job and excellent knowledge of the areas visited plus capable safe driving.” Ken
  • “Good companionship, knowledge, sense of humour enthusiasm, willingness to go the extra mile, ability to adapt to our preferences, checking that each stage, each hotel was right, sharing of anecdotes and stories…”
Extra comments
  • “It was nice to mingle with locals in cafés.” Sue
  • “C’était magnifique.” Robyn