Enquiries & booking

To enquire about a particular FRENZ Inroads Tour please fill out the form below and we will reply as soon as we can. If you would rather we called you just let us know a suitable time.

Before you book:

  • Firstly, please fill in and send the form below or email us to check availability.
  • Then providing there is room available we will ask you to fill in and send our on-line booking form.
  • Upon sending your tour booking please pay your deposit with the reference number sent to you.

(To ensure a place in the tour and as availability of boutique accommodation selected is limited we would appreciate your confirmation as early as possible.)

    1. Choose your tour & date




    2. Your Details

    Full name (required):

    Email (required):

    Daytime phone number (required):

    Evening phone number (required):




    3. Enquiry or comment

    Enquiry or comment:


